GeoAnalytics Platform (GeoAP)

Ready-made platform to build your AI-powered geoanalytical solutions

Pre-build components for instant geoanalytics solutions development


Geo Analytics platform

GeoAP is a comprehensive solution with ready-made modules that allow quickly create, deploy, and operate your own SaaS products for AI-powered geospatial analytics.

The platform is designed for:

  • Searching and downloading the satellite imagery required for each analytical request.
  • Running geoanalytical models and processing satellite data for accurate and efficient geospatial analytics.
  • Visualizing data on the map with distinct layers and a feature-rich UI that includes dashboards, color schemes, and more.


GeoAP architecture comprises several modules designed to easily guide you through all the steps of acquiring fast and scalable geoanalytics. The platform is built on a solid architecture using Kubernetes, enabling downloading imagery from various sources, scalable image processing, and geospatial MLOps with the capability of model orchestration for complex sequent analysis.

Main modules


Imagery downloader

Finds and downloads the required satellite data for the chosen Area of Interest (AoI) ready for processing with AI and CV tools.

Satellite data we work with

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Google Earth
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sar imagery

Sentinel 1, Iceye
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Hyperion, Prisma
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Landsat, Sentinel 2, 
SkySat, PlanetScope


  • GeoJSON
  • SHP files
  • A set of coordinates

you get

  • A small-sized preview image for the whole given AoI
  • The most up-to-date geospatial data fully covering the given AoI

Model executor (MLOps)

Conducts the required geospatial analysis by running your custom or purchased geospatial data models (simplified representations of physical entities) on Jupyter Notebook (a web-based interactive computing platform).

MODEL ORCHESTRATION for a complex sequent analysis. Takes a set of geodata models and executes them one by one, processing each next model on the results of the previous one.


  • data from the Image
  • downloader
  • geospatial data models

you get

  • vector or raster tiles (depending on the model) displayed in the Map Viewer

Map viewer

Stores actionable insights to help you with further decision-making. Basically, an intuitive dashboard with the results of your geospatial analysis. In addition, provides the ability to configure notifications via your favourite messengers


  • map tiles generated by Model Executor

you get

  • data visualization and analytical reports for each chosen AoI


The component is designed to collect service usage statistics and monetize the service. Billing is based on requests and takes into account area size and model type. Additionally, it offers a trial period and provides personal discounts for users.



The user management system encompasses the entire user management life cycle. It includes convenient registration, user cabinet, wallet, service usage log, and financial transaction monitoring.



GeoAP offers two deployment options: a Docker multi-container environment (open source version) or Kubernetes (enterprise version) for unlimited scalability support.

An embedded messaging system allows administrators and users to receive notifications in case of specific issues, along with troubleshooting suggestions, to facilitate proper issue resolution.

Need high-qualitysatellite data?

Support services

We make sure you get the most out of GeoAP by providing full support for seamless integration.
  • Integration

    We will help you seamlessly integrate GeoAP into your internal ecosystem, ensuring system compatibility.
  • Education

    We will educate your employees to operate GeoAP functional modules to achieve the desired results.
  • Customization

    We will develop custom geo models to cover your specific business needs and customize the GUI view.

Why geoap

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For scaling

Scale seamlessly with Kubernetes.

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For processing

From various sources within one platform.

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For a more
accurate output

With configurable data preprocessing.

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For complex
sequent analysis

Including deep learning model execution.

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For easy model

And execution with Jupyter notebooks.

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For reducing time
and budget

On geo solutions development by 60%

Use cases

  • urban planning

    & Construction

    Create truthful to ground conditions base maps for graphical reference and assistance, support for planners and engineers.

  • Forestry

    Environment observation

    Easily monitor your timber lifecycle to improve management operations and quickly respond to illegal logging, diseases or natural disasters.

  • land-usage


    Use the capabilities of our platform to rapidly and effectively detect, monitor and analyze changes in land use.

  • precision


    Utilize actionable insights based on a deep analysis of historical and current time data to increase yield performance.

  • finance & insurance:

    Disaster monitoring

    Get the most out of your data: be aware of potential risks with conscious insights delivery

  • energy

    & Mineral mapping

    Improve operational efficiency, manage risks, and assess competitor activity in near real-time with remote sensing-based spectral analysis

Talk to our experts

Let’s discuss how Quantum can enhance your geoanalytics with AI and machine learning