Smart Contract Platform
- #Blockchain
- #Corda
- #FinTech
- #Smart contracts
About the Client
The project was carried out in cooperation with Robolect, a consultancy company, for a U.S. private investment group.

Business Challenge
The challenge of the project was twofold.
First, Quantum had to implement a permission Blockchain platform with a stable internal currency.
The second challenge was to make it an easy-to-use smart contracts engine that would allow end customers to design custom smart contracts without coding.
Solution Overview
The Quantum team met both challenges and built Humani, a Blockchain platform that allows creating smart contracts.
The platform lets customers share project information, find investors and share special technical equipment.
It’s also a place where users can find helpful resources like know-how, research results, unique services and more.
We also developed a currency that allowed paying for services within the platform and built a private Blockchain that would allow supervised control over cryptocurrency issues and legal document flow.
Quantum designed the Blockchain foundation, the API server, and a simple web interface.
Today, Humani is a flexible, reliable and trusted the tool for secure payments, interactions, and cooperation between users of different types of virtual societies.
Project Description
The customer had an idea of building a trusted and transparent platform where users could have many roles: investors, opinion leaders, product champions, subcontracts, project managers, resource owners, etc.
Having discussed various options, we decided that the concept of permissioned Blockchain would fit the project best. It would serve as a regulation party that controls the data flow and resolves disputes.
In the course of development, we figured out a way to control incoming/outcoming transactions via a notarizing party.
Plus, it allowed us to analyze the existing DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) frameworks and the whole permissioned Blockchain market thoroughly. The information and technological knowledge gathered in the process are still new to the entire society.
Let's discuss your idea!
Technological Details
When the idea of using permissioned Blockchain originated, we thought of three potential frameworks suitable for the job: Exonum, Corda and Hyperledger Fabric. Having researched each of them, we chose to use Corda.
The main challenges for the Quantum team were developing a series of transaction flows and smart contracts for processing transactions and creating a Java REST API server via Jax-Rs to serve the incoming requests.